Error Messages

When you use our interpretation-player the SDK may return below error messages:

  • Your sdkKey doesn't have an event with the roomName: abcd

    The roomName added to your audience page doesn't match the roomName associated to the events of that sdkKey.

    When creating an event with the REST API you should get in response a roomName. You then have to use the roomName as a prop on the widget or as a query parameter on the page.

    More info here

  • The origin: doesn't match the origin accepted by your sdkKey: xx_your_sdk_key

    Each sdkKey can only have one origin. You can create a new sdkKey in your dashboard and associate an origin (website) to it.

    If you are using our widget on localhost, you should not get any origin issues.

  • The sdkKey or roomName is not defined

    Our interpretation-player has the sdkKey or/and the roomName undefined.