Live Demo

You can check our live demo here or you can check our demo videos below.

Interpretation Player Demo

Before you begin..

1️⃣ Contact us by email at providing:

  • Origin. The origin of the website you will use for your demo. Example :
  • Stream URL. One stream URL in m3u8, RTMP, Youtube or Vimeo format that you will use for the demo.
    • 🚨 The stream must be using HTTPS

2️⃣ We will get back to you providing a:

  • Demo sdkKey: xx_sdk_key

  • RoomName : abcd

  • Interpreter demo account:

    • username
    • password
    • login link

Origin : This demo will only work on the website you provided us as origin

roomName : For additional info about the roomName you can check this page

Let's Start 🚀

Choose your framework and install our interpretation player :

Example for three languages

  • In above example the original audio is English. Notice everytime the audience clicks on the interpreted languages Spanish and Chinese, the player gets automatically muted.

Interpretation Platform - English <> Spanish


  • In the Input section interpreters can choose between listening to Floor (original audio coming from your stream URL) or to their Partner.
  • In the Output section interpreters can choose between English or Spanish depending what language they hear from Floor.
  • ⚡ Relay ⚡ If in the original stream the speakers start talking in Chinese, next to the Listen Partner button it will show an English button where the interpreter can hear to the English interpretation from the English <> Chinese interpreters.

Interpretation Platform - English <> Chinese


  • In the Input section interpreters can choose between listening to Floor (original audio coming from your stream URL) or to their Partner.
  • In the Output section interpreters can choose between English or Chinese depending what language they hear from Floor.
  • ⚡ Relay ⚡ If in the original stream the speakers start talking in Spanish, next to the Listen Partner button it will show an English button where the interpreter can hear to the English interpretation from the English <> Spanish interpreters.